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Wonderful tournament! 素晴らしい大会!

Shiramizu Karate Interns Louise Fisk & Erica Ip with Richard
白水の空手道外国人研修生 ルイーズ・フィスク(

The Sainokuni (Colorful Province) East Saitama Friendship Competition (saino kuni tobu karate do shinboku taikai) tournament on Monday was really enjoyable. This is the fifth or sixth year I have helped and the quality of the competitors of all ages was quite high this year. The elementary and junior high school team kumite bouts were very spirited. Many of the junior high school students right now could do very well at the high school level tournaments.

I was also happy to see that the Shiramizu Karate Interns did great, with Louise winning her Women's Black Belt Kata division and Erica winning her Women's Kyu Rank Kumite division.

月曜日の彩の国東部空手道親睦大会はとても楽しかったです。 僕がお手伝いをさせて頂くようになって5、6年になりますが、今年はどの年代の選手もレベルがかなり高かったです。 小学生と中学生の団体組手は非常に気迫のこもった試合でした。 中学生の多くが今や、高校生の大会でも通用する位のうまさでした。

Either I'm intently viewing the tournament, or I spot a huge, delicious looking home-made rice ball some young competitor is eating. Hmm, I wonder which...?
