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My short film: Save the Mars water bomber

Save the Mighty Martin Mars water bomber is truly happening!

As the project lead, it was thrilling to hear the Minister Lana Popham of the BC Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Sport and Arts announce the $250,000 grant towards the rescue preparation!

The block buster final flight from Sproat Lake to the Victoria International Airport is in the Fall of 2024.

Watching it fly will be like witnessing a once in a lifetime eclipse, as such an amazing aircraft will never be airborne again.

Watch the origin story short movie I directed and Greg Duerksen shot/cut with help from the museum’s media team.

For over fifty years it was never open to the public, one could only get up close and inside if you luckily knew someone who was part of the flying operation, but soon, everyone can explore the Mars, plus get the two signature photos of standing in front of the nose and sitting in the cockpit.