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Daily karate vlog #84: be closer to the karate sun to truly improve!

Hey this is Richard Mosdell, and this is my karate daily vlog #84.

And today's theme is to improve your karate you have to get closer to the karate sun!

What does that mean? You have to find someone in your club who's the best of the best and spend time with them. You have to find someone in your karate association who's the best of the best and spend time with them.

That might even mean you have to switch your karate training hours. You have to come in early, stay late, volunteer to help out that person you really enjoy learning karate from, and you have to ask them, "hey check out my karate right after class, spar with me, look at my kata!" You might have to go to the extreme of going to another karate club where their karate sun is stronger, getting closer to the source.

You may even have to leave the country, but not for very long like me.

So the idea here is if you want to get your karate better, don't do the same thing you do all the time.

Get closer to the sun. What is the hottest part, what is the most experienced part in your karate club and spend time with them. Even 10-15 minutes more volunteering, that's the best way to get better at karate, not just check in and check out in your regular classes.

Put in that little bit of extra time, spend extra time, get to know who they are. I volunteered teaching karate for decades and then tried to find the hottest sun I could to learn how to be better. And then just practice as much as possible. Like here in our club, we've got free time on a Sunday night come workout if you're free!

I'm Richard Mosdell, it's my daily karate vlog #84, and thanks a lot for listening, talk to you tomorrow. We're going to have one of the Canadian karate superstars in here Daniel Gaysinsky doing his thing teaching us a fantastic high-performance karate seminar and we can't wait to do that and show you some of the highlights.

I'm Richard Mosdell, thanks a lot for watching!