Thursday I had a nice visit with several former students. Wessel and David are both visiting Japan this month, so they came to school with OB Ryosuke. Wess & Dave were international students for 10 months at Seiritsu (Sep 2008-Jun 2009) and Ryosuke was a student for 3 years.
Wess & Dave said something profound about learning kanji, even though they have forgotten some of it.
''Learning kanji prepares you for learning other things in university that you actually don't want to study. Since you have to study kanji everyday, you get into a habit of consistently studying and building up the mental strength to study difficult things later.''
Both Wess and David were also in the Seiritsu Karate Club when they were here so I think part of this ability to cope may have come from how difficult it is to keep up with the training there too.
「大学ではあまり学びたくなくても学ばなくてはならないことがありますが、漢字学習はその良い準備運動になります。」 「漢字の勉強は毎日しなければならないので、絶えず勉強し続ける習慣を身につけることになり、それは後に難解なことを研究する精神力を強化するのです。」