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Canada International Study Fair カナダ留学フェア

On Wednesday I participated in the Canada International Study Fair at the Canadian Embassy, where dozens of Canadian boards of education for high schools and universities were represented. While I'm sure any school in Canada is ok for a Japanese student to go to, the ones I know well are places I worked on different contacts teaching karate programs many years ago;

For high school students;
Vancouver School Board, Greater Victoria School Board and Bodwell College.

For university students;
Since I also graduated from the University of Victoria and have friends working at Camosun College, I do recommend these institutions as well.

Of course of I would like to see more Canadian high school students come to Japan, especially here at Seiritsu!

水曜日にカナダ大使館で開かれたカナダ留学フェアに出席しました。多数の高校と大学の教育委員会が参加してました。留学したい人はカナダでどの学校を選んでも大丈夫だと思いますが、昔 僕が空手を指導していた頃からよく知っている教育委員会と学校は: